Loving Presence Amidst The Storms


Loving Presence Amidst The Storms


Jeffery Wium

The Summer Solstice is a magical time to enjoy a different kind of conversation.  I invite you to come learn how to stay loving when the world is such a storm of anger and fear.  Jeffrey is a fascinating man, having spent years living and integrating the celestial lifeways of the High Andes.  He has come back with a wealth of wisdom to share. He speaks about how we are in the process of  awakening consciousness, coming into harmony and entering the time of The Great Peace.  Jeffrey will convey ancient knowledge, guide meditation and offer practices that engage our heart intelligence to awaken our inner wisdom.  The goal is to expand our calm, loving presence while in the midst of chaos.  It is going to be beautiful. 

21st June, 6-8pm

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